Saturday, April 07, 2012

Author techno_fever | 3 comments


Most of you have must found difficulty in creating an Apple ID for free. Well today I am going to show you on how to create a an Apple ID for free without the need of any cards so that you can download free apps with this Apple ID.

First of all open iTunes on either you Mac or Windows & then click on iTunes Store in the sidebar on the left side of iTunes

When the iTunes Store loads scroll down and check for column on the right side showing a list of free apps like the one in the picture below.

Now click on See All & a new page will be loaded with list of all free apps.

Now click on the button which says Free below any of the app and after clicking that a button a box will appear which asks you to either Sign In/Create a new account

Now click on the button which says Create New Account & it will load a page saying Welcome To iTunes Store, click Continue

Accept the agreement & fill all the details(like email ID,Name..........) & click continue

Now it will load a new page asking you to select the payment method.

Now you will see an option named None in the Payment Selection Method Column.

Click on None and fill the remaining details in the column named "Billing Address" and then click on Create Apple ID.

Then verify your Apple ID & voila
Now you got an Apple ID of your own and now you can download free apps with your new Apple ID.

Author: mzon1c(Akhil Omanakuttan), you can read more about our Editors by clicking here


  1. LOL.... You just showed how to download FREE apple apps using FREE account.
    I dont think u can download PAID apps with it.
    If u've managed to download PAID apps with it, you'll probably get a PAYMENT REQUEST sent to u through post or something.

    1. In this post i didnt say anything about downloading paid apps for free,I only said that you can create a an apple id without any need for any cards, coz most of the people when creating an apple id,apple will ask for not payment, but for the card for paid purchases and sorry for using the term PAYMENT

    2. I also mentioned at the bottom of the post that this apple id can be used to download free apps and not paid apps and i never mentioned about downloading of paid apps,I just wrongly used the term Payment in the title & sorry for that


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